Wireless Publications
Magnus M. Halldorsson
Link Capacity and Scheduling
- Effective Wireless Scheduling via Hypergraph Sketches (with Tigran Tonoyan). SICOMP, 2021.
- Universal Framework for Wireless Scheduling Problems (with Tigran Tonoyan)
ICALP, to appear, July 2017. Received Best paper award at Track C. Invited to Highlights on Algorithms, June 2018.
- Wireless Link Capacity under Shadowing and Fading (with Tigran Tonoyan). June 2017. In MobiHoc 2017.
- The Power of Non-Uniform Wireless Power (with Stephan Holzer, Pradipta Mitra and Roger Wattenhofer)
SIAM Journal of Computing, 46(3):1062--1098, June 2017
- The Price of Local Power Control in Wireless Scheduling (with Tigran Tonoyan).
FSTTCS'15, full version, Feb 2015.
- Limitations of Current Wireless Scheduling Algorithms (with Tigran Tonoyan).
ALGOSENSORS'15 Part of arXiv:1502.05279
A Note on Vertex Coloring Edge-Weighted Digraphs (with Joergen Bang-Jensen)
Mittag-Leffler Report No. 29, 2013/2014, spring.
Information Processing Letters, 115(10):791-796, October 2015.
Full version on arXiv
- Progress (and Lack Thereof) for Graph Coloring Approximation Problems
SOFSEM'15 (invited paper), Jan 2015
- Beyond Geometry : Towards Fully Realistic Wireless Models (with Marijke Bodlaender)
Algorithms for Wireless Capacity
(with Olga Goussevskaia and Roger Wattenhofer).
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
June 2014.
A note on precedence and credit.
This paper incorporates (and corrects) the results in the two papers "Capacity of Arbitrary Wireless Networks" and "Wireless Communication is in APX".
- Wireless capacity with arbitrary gain matrix (with Pradipta Mitra)
Theoretical Computer Science 553:57--63, October 2014.
Preliminary version appears in ALGOSENSORS'11.
- Wireless scheduling with power control
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Dec 2013.
Preliminary version appeared in ESA'09
- The Power of Non-Uniform Wireless Power (with Stephan Holzer, Pradipta Mitra and Roger Wattenhofer)
SODA'13, full version
Wireless Capacity and Admission Control in Cognitive Radio
(with Pradipta Mitra). arxiv.org/abs/1111.5200.
Infocom '12
Nearly Optimal Bounds for Distributed Wireless Scheduling in the SINR
Model (with Pradipta Mitra).
Distributed Computing 29(2):77-88, 2016.
Earlier version appears in ICALP '11.
- Wireless Capacity with Oblivious
Power in General Metrics (with Pradipta Mitra).
In SODA '11
Wireless Communication is in APX (with Roger Wattenhofer).
ICALP, July 2009
Capacity of Arbitrary Wireless Networks (with Olga Goussevskaia, Roger Wattenhofer, and Emo Welzl).
INFOCOM, April 2009
Note on precedence and credit.
Modeling Aspects and Evaluations
Distributed Algorithms
Connectivity and Aggregation
Stochastic Packet Scheduling and Throughput
Older papers on wireless (or wireless-motivated) problems in graph-based models
Last revised 6 Dec 2016, Magnus M Halldorsson