Panda3D Manual: The Scene Editor
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At the Entertainment Technology Center (Carnegie Mellon University) we have developed a Scene Editor to enable layout of objects in a 3D environment. This tool also allows you to do lighting, animation blending, creation of mopaths etc. This is just a first version of the tool and will be updated to encompass new features and improvements in the future.

To run the scene editor, run "" in the SceneEditor directory.

The scene editor's primary functions are:

  • Object loading and manipulation
  • Animation loading and blending
  • Lighting
  • Motion path generation
  • Particle system generation
  • Setting up collision detection

The scene editor will set up your scene for you and then output the layout at a normal python file. This file can then be used, edited as you desire. This tool is meant to give a visual interface for many functions that typically would have to be done manually in code. The best way to learn about the scene editor is to watch the Scene Editor Lectures:

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