Camera Control | | Render Style | |
+ | Zoom in | Shift + A | Show all |
- | Zoom out | Control + F | Flash selected |
1 | Front view (relative to render) | B | Toggle backface |
2 | Back view (relative to render) | L | Toggle lights |
3 | Right view (relative to render) | T | Toggle texture |
4 | Left view (relative to render) | W | Toggle wireframe |
5 | Top view (relative to render) | | |
6 | Bottom view (relative to render) | Direct Controls | |
7 | ¾ view (relative to render) | Delete | Delete selected object |
8 | Roll view about axis relative to camera’s axis | Escape | Delete all |
9 | Rotate around hot point | Page Down | Move down selected object’s hierarchy |
0 | Rotate around hot point | Page Up | Move up selected object’s hierarchy |
C | Center on hot point | Tab | Toggle widget mode |
F | Fit on hot point | Shift + F | Grow widget to fit current window |
H | Move to (0,0,0) | I | Plant selected object at cursor intersection point |
Shift + L | Toggle camera pivot point lock | M | Move widget in front of camera |
N | Select next possible camera COA (along last intersection ray) | P | Set active parent to selected object |
U | Orbit upright camera about hot point | R | WRT reparent selected to active parent |
Shift + U | Upright camera | Shift + R | Reparent selected to active parent |
` | Kill camera move task | S | Reselect last selected object |
| | V | Toggle widget visibility |
Undo/Redo | | Shift + V | Toggle COA marker visibility |
[ | Undo | < | Shrink widget |
] | Redo | > | Expand widget |