Panda3D Manual: Multiple Texture Coordinate Sets
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In addition to simple texture transforms, it is also possible to have more than one set of texture coordinates on a model. Panda allows you to define as many different sets of texture coordinates as you like, and each set can be completely unrelated to all of the others.

When you have multiple texture coordinate sets (sometimes called multiple UV sets) on a model, each set will have its own name, which is any arbitrary string. The default texture coordinate set has no name (its name is the empty string).

Normally, you create multiple texture coordinate sets in the same modeling package that you use to create the model. Not all modeling packages, and not all Panda converters, support multiple texture coordinates. In fact, as of the time of this writing, only the Panda3D 1.1 version (or newer) of the maya2egg converter is known to convert multiple texture coordinates into Panda.

If you happen to have a model with multiple texture coordinate sets, you can specify which set a particular texture should use by calling TextureStage.setTexcoordName("name"). Remember, a TextureStage is used to apply a texture to a model, and so every texture will have an associated TextureStage (though most textures just use the default TextureStage). If you do not call this method for a particular TextureStage, the default behavior is to use the default, unnamed texture coordinate set.

The different TextureStages on a model might share the same texture coordinate sets, or they might each use a different texture coordinate set, or any combination.

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