Colleagues on the Web

My coauthors

and those currently without a homepage, to the best of my knowledge:

Ravi Boppana, Kazuo Iwano, K.V. Subramanyam, Ágúst Egilsson.

Unprocessed additions: Asaf Levin, Leah Epstein, Joseph Halpern Li Li, Vahab Mirrokni, Akihisa Kako, Takao Ono, Tomio Hirata, Hiroki Yanagisawa, Peter Damaschke, Chalmers Dana Ron, Guy Even, Lotem Kaplan.

Since 2001, this list has grown somewhat; I don't expect to keep it fully up-to-date forever...

Approximations People

Asterisk denotes that online papers are available.

Various Colleagues I know

People with interesting web pages

Last updated 13 December 2005