A Panda3D FSM is implemented by defining a new Python class which inherits from the class direct.fsm.FSM.FSM (normally imported as FSM.FSM or simply FSM), and defining the appropriate enter and exit methods on the class.
FSM states are represented by name strings, which should not
contain spaces or punctuation marks; by Panda3D convention, state
names should begin with a capital letter. An FSM is always in exactly
one state a time; the name of the current state in stored in
fsm.state . When it transitions from one state to
another, it first calls exitOldState() , and then it calls
enterNewState() , where OldState is the name of the
previous state, and NewState is the name of the state it is entering.
While it is making this transition, the FSM is not technically in
either state, and fsm.state will be None--but you can
find both old and new state names in fsm.oldState and
fsm.newState , respectively.
To define a possible state for an FSM, you only need to define an
enterStateName() and/or exitStateName()
method on your class, where StateName is the name of the state you
would like to define. The enterStateName() method should
perform all the necessary action for entering your new state, and the
corresponding exitStateName() method should generally
undo everything that was done in enterStateName() , so
that the world is returned to a neutral state.
An FSM starts and finishes in the state named "Off". When the FSM
is created, it is already in "Off"; and when you destroy it (by
calling fsm.cleanup() ), it automatically transitions back
to "Off".
To request an FSM to transition explicitly to a new state, use the
call fsm.request('StateName') , where StateName is the
state you would like it to transition to.
Arguments to enterStateName methods
Normally, both enterStateName() and
exitStateName() take no arguments (other than self).
However, if your FSM requires some information before it can
transition to a particular state, you can define any arguments you
like to the enterStateName method for that state; these arguments
should be passed in to the request() call, following the
state name.
from direct.fsm import FSM
class AvatarFSM(FSM.FSM):
def enterWalk(self, speed, doorMask):
avatar.setPlayRate(speed, 'walk')
def exitWalk(self):
myfsm = AvatarFSM()
myfsm.request('Walk', 1.0, BitMask32.bit(2))
Note that the exitStateName method must always take no arguments.
Allowed and disallowed state transitions
By default, every state transition request is allowed: the call
fsm.request('StateName') will always succeed, and the the
FSM will be left in the new state. You may wish to make your FSM more
robust by disallowing certain transitions that you don't want to
For instance, consider the example FSM described previously, which
had the following state diagram:
↗ |
↘ | | |
| |
→ |
↖ |
↙ | | |
In this diagram, the arrows represent legal transitions. It is
legal to transition from 'Walk' to 'Walk2Swim', but not from 'Walk' to
'Swim2Walk'. If you were to request the FSM to enter state
'Swim2Walk' while it is currently in state 'Walk', that's a bug; you
might prefer to have the FSM throw an exception, so you can find this
To enforce this, you can store self.defaultTransitions
in the FSM's __init__() method. This should be a map of
allowed transitions from each state. That is, each key of the map is
a state name; for that key, the value is a list of allowed transitions
from the indicated state. Any transition not listed in
defaultTransitions is considered invalid. For example:
class AvatarFSM(FSM.FSM):
def __init__(self):
self.defaultTransitions = {
'Walk' : [ 'Walk2Swim' ],
'Walk2Swim' : [ 'Swim' ],
'Swim' : [ 'Swim2Walk', 'Drowning' ],
'Swim2Walk' : [ 'Walk' ],
'Drowning' : [ ],
If you do not assign anything to self.defaultTransitions, then all
transitions are legal. However, if you do assign a map like
the above, then requesting a transition that is not listed in the map
will raise the exception FSM.RequestDenied .