The Major Coordinate Spaces
When writing complex shaders, it is often necessary to do a lot of
coordinate system conversion. In order to get this right, it is
important to be aware of all the different coordinate spaces that
panda uses. You must know what "space" the coordinate is in. Here
is a list of the major coordinate spaces:
Model Space: If a coordinate is in model space, then it is relative
to the center of the model currently being rendered. The vertex arrays
are in model space, therefore, if you access the vertex position using
vtx_position, you have a coordinate in model space. Model space is
z-up right-handed.
World Space: If a coordinate is in world space, then it is relative
to the scene's origin. World space is z-up right-handed.
View Space: If a coordinate is in view space, then it is relative
to the camera. View space is z-up right-handed.
API View Space: This coordinate space is identical to view
space, except that the axes may be flipped to match the natural
orientation of the rendering API. In the case of opengl, API view
space is y-up right-handed. In the case of directx, API view space is
y-up left-handed.
Clip Space: Panda's clip space is a coordinate system in
which (X/W, Y/W) maps to a screen pixel, and (Z/W) maps to a
depth-buffer value. All values in this space range over [-1,1].
API Clip Space: This coordinate space is identical to clip
space, except that the axes may be flipped to match the natural
orientation of the rendering API, and the numeric ranges may be
rescaled to match the needs of the rendering API. In the case of
opengl, the (Z/W) values range from [-1, 1]. In the case of
directx, the (Z/W) values range from [0,1].
Supplying Translation Matrices to a Shader
You can use a shader parameter named "trans_x_to_y" to automatically
obtain a matrix that converts any coordinate system to any other.
The words x and y can be "model," "world," "view," "apiview,"
"clip," or "apiclip." Using this notation, you can build
up almost any transform matrix that you might need.
Here is a short list of popular matrices that can be
recreated using this syntax. Of course, this isn't even close to
exhaustive: there are seven keywords, so there are 7x7 possible matrices,
of which 7 are the identity matrix.
Desired Matrix | Syntax |
The Modelview Matrix | trans_model_to_apiview |
The Projection Matrix | trans_apiview_to_apiclip |
the DirectX world matrix | trans_model_to_world |
the DirectX view matrix | trans_world_to_apiview |
gsg.getCameraTransform() | trans_view_to_world |
gsg.getWorldTransform() | trans_world_to_view |
gsg.getExternalTransform() | trans_model_to_view |
gsg.getInternalTransform() | trans_model_to_apiview |
gsg.getCsTransform() | trans_view_to_apiview |
gsg.getInvCsTransform() | trans_apiview_to_view |
Recommendation: Don't use API View Space or API Clip Space
The coordinate systems "API View Space" and "API Clip Space" are not
very useful. The fact that their behavior changes from one rendering
API to the next makes them extremely hard to work with. Of course,
you have to use the composed modelview/projection matrix to transform
your vertices, and in doing so, you are implicitly using these spaces.
But aside from that, it is strongly recommended that you not use
these spaces for anything else.
Model_of_x, View_of_x, Clip_of_x
When you use the word "model" in a trans directive, you implicitly
mean "the model currently being rendered." But you can make any
nodepath accessible to the shader subsystem using setShaderInput :
myhouse = loader.loadModel("myhouse")
render.setShaderInput('myhouse', myhouse)
Then, in the shader, you can convert coordinates to or from the
model-space of this particular nodepath:
uniform float4x4 trans_world_to_model_of_myhouse
or, use the syntactic shorthand:
uniform float4x4 trans_world_to_myhouse
Likewise, you can create a camera and pass it into the shader
subsystem. This is particularly useful when doing shadow mapping:
render.setShaderInput('shadowcam', self.shadowcam)
Now you can transform vertices into the clip-space of the given
camera using this notation:
uniform float4x4 trans_model_to_clip_of_shadowcam
If you transform your model's vertices from model space into the
clip space of a shadow camera, the resulting
(X/W,Y/W) values can be used as texture coordinates to projectively
texture the shadow map onto the scene (after rescaling them), and
the (Z/W) value can be compared to the value stored in the depth
map (again, after rescaling it).
Panda does support the notation "trans_x_to_apiclip_of_y", but again,
our recommendation is not to use it.
You can transform a vertex to the view space of an alternate camera,
using "view of x." In fact, this is exactly identical to "model of
x," but it's probably good form to use "view of x" when x is a camera.