Panda3D Manual: Render Effects
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There are a number of special render effects that may be set on scene graph nodes to change the way they render. This includes BillboardEffect, Compass Effect, DecalEffect, PolylightEffect, and ShowBoundsEffect.

RenderEffect represents render properties that must be applied as soon as they are encountered in the scene graph, rather than propagating down to the leaves. This is different from RenderAttrib, which represents properties like color and texture that don't do anything until they propagate down to a GeomNode.

You should not attempt to create or modify a RenderEffect directly; instead, use the make() method of the appropriate kind of effect you want. This will allocate and return a new RenderEffect of the appropriate type, and it may share pointers if possible. Do not modify the new RenderEffect if you wish to change its properties; instead, create a new one.

Once you have created a render Effect, you need to decide what it should affect. If you have an effect that should affect evereything in the scene the nodepath in the next line of code is "render". If you only want it to affect specific objects, choose the appropriate place in the scene graph.

NodePath.node().setEffect(<Render Effect>)

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