Panda3D Manual: Particle Emitters
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There are a large number of particle emitters, each categorized by the volume of space they represent. Additionally, all emitters have three modes: explicit, radiate, and custom. Explicit mode emits the particles in parallel in the same direction. Radiate mode emits particles away from a specific point. Custom mode emits particles with a velocity determined by the particular emitter.

All emitters have a number of common parameters.

emissionTypeEmission modeET_EXPLICIT, ET_RADIATE, ET_CUSTOM
explicitLaunchVectorInitial velocity in explicit mode(x, y, z)
radiateOriginPoint particles launch away from in radiate mode(x, y, z)
amplitudeLaunch velocity multiplier(-infinity, infinity)
amplitudeSpeedSpread for launch velocity multiplier[0, infinity)

The following list contains the different types of emitters, their unique parameters, and the effect of the custom mode.


minBoundMinimum point for box volume(x, y, z)
maxBoundMaximum point for box volume(x, y, z)

Custom mode generates particles with no initial velocity.


radiusRadius of disc[0, infinity)
outerAngleParticle launch angle at edge of disc[0, 360]
innterAngleParticle launch angle at center of disc[0, 360]
outerMagnitudeLaunch velocity multiplier at edge of disc(-infinity, infinity)
innerMagnitudeLaunch velocity multiplier at center of disc(-infinity, infinity)
cubicLerpingWhether or not magnitude/angle interpolation is cubicBoolean

Custom mode uses the last five parameters. Particles emitted from areas on the inside use interpolated magnitudes and angles, either liner or cubic.


locationLocation of outer point(x, y, z)

Custom mode generates particles with no initial velocity.


minBound2D point defining the rectangle(x, z)
maxBound2D point defining the rectangle(x, z)

Custom mode generates particles with no initial velocity.


radiusRadius of disc[0, infinity)
angleParticle launch angle[0, 360]

Custom mode uses the second parameter to emit particles at an angle with respect to the vector from the ring center to the spawn point. 0 degrees emits particles away from the center, and 180 degrees emits particles into the center.


radiusRadius of sphere[0, infinity)

Custom mode generates particles with no initial velocity.


radiusRadius of sphere[0, infinity)

Custom mode emits particles away from the sphere center. Their velocity is dependent on their spawn location within the sphere. It is 0 at the center, of magnitude 1 at the outer edge of the sphere, and linearly interpolated in between.


radiusRadius of ring[0, infinity)

Custom mode emits particles tangentially to the ring edge, with a velocity magnitude of 1.

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