Panda3D Manual: Particle Effect Basic Parameters
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Every particle effect needs at least eleven parameters. These govern the overall properties, such as the number of particles on the screen, the birth and death rates, and the renderer, emitter, and factory that are used.

poolSizeMaximum number of simultaneous particles[0, infinity)
birthRateSeconds between particle births(0, infinity)
litterSizeNumber of particles created at each birth[1, infinity)
litterSpreadVariation of litter size[0, infinity)
localVelocityFlagWhether or not velocities are absoluteBoolean
systemGrowsOlderWhether or not the system has a lifespanBoolean
systemLifespanAge of the system in seconds[0, infinity)
BaseParticleRenderer* rendererPointer to particle rendererRenderer type
BaseParticleRenderer* emitterPointer to particle emitterEmitter type
BaseParticleRenderer* factoryPointer to particle factoryFactory type

The renderer, emitter, and factory types will be discussed in the next three sections.

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